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The World's Changing Quickly - Make Sure Your Business Changes With It

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Life’s full of many changes - especially on the tech front. Not so long ago we moved from vinyl to Spotify, from clunky landlines to sleek smartphones. And remember when having a pager felt like wielding some kind of CIA gadget?

But in today’s world, all of that now seems archaic.

Now there’s AI, making us all feel like we’ve got a tiny NASA mission control center in our back pocket.

And because tech is changing more rapidly than ever, if you’re an entrepreneur you’ve got to change with it!

Unfortunately this can feel scary and intimidating - especially if you’re a proage entrepreneur like myself - who’s in her 60’s!

At first I told myself: “Tech is a young person’s game.”

But guess what? That’s baloney!

I discovered this personally - when I finally dove into this new technology - and instead of drowning - I began swimming like a pro.

And it’s not because I’m naturally Tech Savvy. (Insert loud snort laugh here!) Truth be told: I’m a total Technophobic Goofball!

But when I bravely pushed through my tech fears, I quickly discovered:

• Today’s technology is far easier to learn than I thought.

• Plus highly profitable too!

After I went on my tech learning spree, I literally quadrupled my sales and earnings!  

At this point, I’ve sold over 2 million books and online courses, cultivated a subscriber list of 90K, and rallied a social media following of 1.5 million strong. My website? It's now a high-traffic, high-authority powerhouse.

I’m sharing this not to brag, but to light a fire under you.

Trust me, if I can go from Technophobic Goofballto Tech Savvy, anyone can! In fact, I’ve literally found this to be true - because for the last few years I’ve been helping many thousands of entrepreneurs to double, triple and quadruple their incomes - by teaching them all this new technology!

You can check out these success stories here https://www.notsalmon.com/brand-honey/ and here https://www.notsalmon.com/unblock/      and herehttps://www.notsalmon.com/courses/make-profitable-courses/   on my site!

One of My Biggest Tech Money Makers: SEO

The first thing I recommend you do: Boost your SEO!

In fact, I’ve found this to be my number one highest converting sales tool!

Here’s why:

Imagine SEO as your own personal Batman-Signal. But instead of summoning Batman, you're signaling to Google - telling it exactly how your site and brand can help people - so Google can send your ideal buyers your way!

Basically, SEO is your way of turning Google into your matchmaker - sending you buyers who have the exact problems and needs you solve.  

Here’s how SEO works:

Your strongest SEO Batman-Signals come from your H1, H2, and H3 headlines - which are those bigger sized headlines on your site’s web pages.

Here’s a real-world example:

Say you're selling "handmade ceramic pots." If you smartly splash those words across your H1, H2, and H3 tags, and pepper them throughout your content, you're essentially lighting up the Batman-Signal for Google, shouting, "Hey, this page is perfect for anyone searching for handmade ceramic pots!" This makes Google more likely to rank your page higher, directly steering those pot enthusiasts right to your digital doorstep.

Here’s where many people drop the ball:

Too many entrepreneurs waste their prime headline real estate on fluffy greetings like “Hello, I’m Naomi” or “Welcome.” Nice, but not helpful. Google doesn’t need a greeting. It needs to know what you offer. So you must always try to put your brand’s benefits and transformations into those bigger sized headlines!


Another example:

You should never use the headline: “Testimonials” above your reviews. Instead you should write a headline which double-duties as a marketing headline - for instance: “Why Clients Love My Nutrition Tips.”  With a benefit-driven headline like this, you’re signaling to Google that your brand offers “Nutrition Tips.” And as a result, you’ll be more likely to show up on a Google search for your brand’s benefits!

And don’t just stop at text.


Your images are talking to Google too. Or at least they should be. You need to embed your keywords into the ALT text area. That’s the backend stuff only you and Google see. Look for it on your backend where you post all your images. Type in the keywords you want to get known for. It’s like whispering sweet nothings into Google’s ear, "Psst, this image? It’s totally what people who want X, Y or Z are looking for.”


Now, about those links…

Internal links are when you link from one page on your site to another on your site. This helps to distribute your page authority throughout your site. Plus it keeps visitors clicking around - thereby sticking around. The longer they stay, the lower your “bounce rates.” And Google prefers to link to sites with low bounce rates.

Plus, you also need to add external links from outside sites to your pages. Strong SEO pages always should have a combo of both internal and external links!  

And don't forget about backlinks!

I recommend you reach out and try to get reputable sites to link to your site! This not only will help you because of the public endorsement angle. It will also boost your site’s domain authority - and thereby your SEO juju.

5 More Quick Tech Savvy Income Generators.

Although I’m a major fan of SEO for its unmatched ability to attract ideal customers, I don’t want you to put all your eggs into one digital basket.

Instead, I recommend you diversify your tech savviness, with the following tips.

1. Use AI as Your Cyrano de Bergerac: Please, please, please take the time to master Chat GPT, Writesonic or Copy.ai. These AI tools will help you to quickly whip up articles, ads, newsletters, business presentations, pitch decks to be an ambassador for your favorite companies. The trick is to become creative and clever with your prompts - so you don’t write with a generic AI voice!

2. Deploy Chatbots to Do the Schmoozing:Explore ManyChats. It’s a user-friendly platform that lets you build chatbots for Instagram and Facebook Messenger. Basically, it lets you hold thousands of conversations with potential buyers - all simultaneously - while you’re at the gym or taking a nap!

3. Create Eye-Popping Visuals and Videos with Canva: It’s never been quicker and easier to create amazing graphics and videos for social media, online courses and your website - thanks to Canva and its beautiful templates and easy peasy tools.

4. Personalized Email Marketing: Try tools like Klaviyo and/or Convertkit. They analyze your customer data - and help you send out super personalized emails. Your customers will begin to think you're mind-reading.

5. Play Detective with Your Data: Tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar will show you what's hot - and what’s not - on your website. It's like having x-ray vision to spot where your biggest money leaks are - so you can fix them!

The #1 biggest secret to boosting your income?

• Never stop learning!

You update your fashion style regularly. Your business skills deserve the same attention. It’s time to shed any of your outdated tactics and step confidently into today’s digital arena.

Stop Being Technophobic! This New Tech’s Easier Than You Think!


These days technology isn’t just changing. It’s revolutionizing how we do business. And so upgrading your skills isn’t optional. It’s essential. And it’s not about being trendy. It’s about not disappearing!


If you want a helping hand - someone to take you through step-by-simple-step on how to set up everything - I’m here for you!


Book a free Zoom consultation with me - here https://calendly.com/salmansohn/15min?back=1&month=2024-08 - and we can talk about your entrepreneurial goals and dreams!

I’d love to help you to not just keep pace with the competition - but cha-cha right past them!

Karen Salmansohn is a multi-bestselling author and leading Behavioral Change Expert with over 2 million books and online courses sold – plus the creative force behind the popular personal development website NotSalmon.com.

Her career began in New York’s top ad agencies, leading her to a successful transition as a thought leader in personal development. Today, Karen not only focuses on developing life-boosting bestselling books (like How To Be Happy Dammit and her soon to be published Your To-Die-For Life book) and courses like The Anxiety Cure and Tweak A Week.

Karen also loves to use her extensive experience in branding, marketing and SEO to empower people to achieve significant growth in their businesses.



I had an idea that we women need to be working together to further our brands..owning our worth and receiving the recognition and financial compensation we deserve.

So, this week I’m excited to say, I launched my new venture; a tight-knit community dedicated to leveling-up women 50 + influencers through a supportive network, collaboration and monetization opportunities, as well as educational resources so that we can expand our reach and turn our passion project into a thriving business. 

 "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." -African Proverb


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