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Unleashing The Power Of Media Exposure

A Guide for Women Over 50 Reinventing Themselves and Launching New Businesses

This is Christina Daves’ very informative article on the value of media exposure:

Reinvention knows no age limits, and for women over 50 embarking on new entrepreneurial ventures, media exposure can be a game-changer. In an era where visibility is key, harnessing the power of the media can help propel businesses to new heights. Drawing on my extensive experience in PR and helping individuals land media exposure, here’s a list on how women over 50 can secure media coverage to get massive visibility as they reinvent themselves and launch new businesses.

Embrace Your Unique Story:

As a woman over 50, your journey is rich with experiences and wisdom that sets you apart. Embracing your unique story and leveraging it to captivate media outlets is essential. Reflect on the challenges you've overcome, lessons you've learned, and the value you bring to your industry. Develop a compelling narrative that showcases your expertise and inspires others.

Craft a Stellar Online Presence

Establishing a strong online presence is crucial for attracting media attention. Create a professional website that highlights your expertise, achievements, and services. Make the messaging VERY clear of what you do and what problem you solve. Leverage social media platforms to engage with your target audience and build a community around your brand. Consistently update your online profiles and share valuable content to demonstrate your industry knowledge and thought leadership. (FYI – the media WILL check you out before they use you).

 Understand the Media Landscape

 Familiarize yourself with the media outlets relevant to your niche. Identify publications, podcasts, and TV shows that align with your target audience. Subscribe to their newsletters, follow their social media accounts, and engage with their content. This will help you understand their preferences and style while enabling you to build genuine relationships with journalists and producers.

 Craft an Irresistible Pitch

Crafting a compelling pitch is vital to grab the attention of media professionals. Personalize your outreach by addressing the journalist by name. Highlight the unique angle of your story and how it aligns with their audience's interests. Include any relevant statistics, testimonials, or case studies to substantiate your claims. Keep your pitch concise, persuasive, and tailored to each media outlet.

 Leverage Local Media Outlets

Local media can be an excellent starting point to gain visibility and it’s the easiest place to get the yes. Reach out to regional newspapers, radio stations, and TV channels to share your story. Emphasize how your business positively impacts the local community. Being featured in local media can serve as a stepping stone to larger, national opportunities.

 Become a Valuable Resource

 Position yourself as an expert in your industry by offering your insights and expertise to journalists. Monitor media requests and HARO (Help a Reporter Out) queries for opportunities where you can contribute. By providing valuable input, you establish yourself as a go-to resource for journalists, increasing your chances of securing media coverage.

 Build Relationships and Network

Invest time in building relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers in your industry. Attend conferences, networking events, and industry-specific gatherings. Engage with their content, share their work, and offer assistance when possible. Building authentic relationships can open doors to media opportunities and collaborations.


For women over 50 reinventing ourselves and launching new businesses, media exposure is a powerful tool to gain massive visibility and establish a strong brand. By embracing unique stories, crafting a stellar online presence, understanding the media landscape, and leveraging personalized pitches, we can capture the attention of journalists and secure valuable coverage. Building relationships and becoming a valuable resource will further enhance our chances of success. With determination, strategic efforts, and the right guidance, women over 50 can thrive in the media spotlight and achieve our entrepreneurial goals.



Christina Daves is a PR Strategist, on-air lifestyle host, speaker, author, and podcast host of Living Ageless and Bold for Successful Women 55+ available on all your favorite podcast platforms. Learn more at www.ChristinaDaves.com

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