The Pulse - Issue #2

The Voice of Today's Woman 50 Plus

Hi Everyone. I hope you’ve had a great week!

In this edition of The Pulse, I am so excited to begin sharing informative pieces written by incredible women, all experts in their respective fields.

My goal is to provide you with knowledge and inspiration so that you will be equipped to live your best Pro-Age life.

This is Kristen Coffield:

After a week of helping my daughter with the kids, I felt as though I had completed the entire 500-mile Camino de Santiago.

That's because I grandparent in an active and hands-on way, and my kids and grandkids LOVE it!

In the past several months, I have heard from thousands of active grandparenting women. Some, like my sister-in-law, provide consistent childcare; others, like me have extended visits, sometimes babysitting while the kids go to a wedding or take a much-needed break. 

About a month ago, I posted a video on Instagram of me getting up off the floor without using my hands. I had a baby doll in my arms and talked about the importance of getting in shape to take on active grandparenting.

That reel resonated with hundreds of thousands of women in their 50s and beyond who are active grandparenting in a way that is different from previous generations. Staying fit and mobile is the difference between being helpful or needing help, and it’s turning us into active agers who embrace grandparenting with unparalleled enthusiasm.

Just as you reach a certain age and think it's time to slow down and take it easy, you get some adorable grandkids who inspire you to stay active and be involved in their lives.

Suddenly, you are willing to work to add years to your life and life to those years—so you can spend more time with your grandchildren.

Physically active grandparenting is redefining the role of grandparents as dynamic contributors to family life. Instead of occupying passive roles, we become partners in exploration and adventure, embracing more opportunities with our grandchildren and strengthening the bond with our adult children because we are fun to be around and up for anything.

We want to be wanted and do what it takes to stay involved, helpful, and terrific house guests. Active grandparenting isn't just what we do with the grandchildren; it's what we do to make our children's lives easier, happier, and less stressful. 

Simple functional exercises can help you quickly build strength and improve all of the above.

Establish a hydration practice to support you in all areas of active grandparenting. Hydration is one of the most overlooked and underutilized tools in our wellness arsenal. It’s the super tool that improves sleep, increases energy, elevates mood and allows our muscles to be pliable! Pliability is the key to doing all that repetitive movement and getting up and down off the floor.

Kristen’s Delicious Recipe

Serves 8 

1 large head of fresh cauliflower. I love golden cauliflower, but you can use white or purple too.
4 tbsp. butter
4 cloves garlic minced
2 oz fresh goat cheese
1/4 -1/2 cup half and half or vegetable stock
2 tbsp. Minced chives
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Break cauliflower into florets and cut stem pieces. Steam until cauliflower is tender. You can also use a microwave steamer.
2. Let cauliflower rest. Combine garlic with half and half or stock and simmer gently.
3. In 2 batches, place cauliflower in the bowl of a food processor, adding 1/4 cup of garlic liquid and 1 oz goat cheese, 1 tbsp butter, and puree until smooth.
4. Combine two batches, add in chives and season with salt and pepper to taste.
5. Top with remaining 2 tbsp melted butter.
6. It can be served immediately or baked 350 for 40 minutes until golden.

*If preparing ahead of time, bring to room temp before baking.


The Pro-Age Woman

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