The ProAge Pulse

Photo by Susie Lang

Proaging is Our Superpower

I've been thinking about aging and the flip flopping thoughts I've had of late.

I acknowledge that I can get "stuck in the muck" of the negative "old age" pattern that finds a way through my veneer of positivity. They consistently challenge my standing tall in my beliefs of living life with gusto and enthusiasm.

Then it hit me, "proaging is our superpower". It is the "light" at the beginning of the unthinkable end. It is the definitive way to make the most of our later years.

Proaging allows us to clear the path to vitality and curiosity. It is the only option for acceptance of what lies ahead. It is a mindset choice; a conscious decision to not only make the best of these years, but thrive during these years.

When I began my dive into the proaging world, it was a brand new movement. Actually, if I must say so myself, I was one of the Pioneers in this social media space; after Dove's campaign and Cindy Joseph's (Boom) Pro Age Revolution.

I am so proud that I have had a hand in helping us, to think differently about becoming an aging woman. The proaging mindset has opened up a breath, a whisper of non-ageist thinking. It has supplied us with another way of dealing, an alternative to "being put out to pasture".

I don't speak about this much, but I've always had a thing about being trapped; being trapped by my own thoughts, scary thoughts that would bring on anxiety. It occurred when I would tell myself there was no way out, no other way to think about or view a situation.

I worked hard, throughout my earlier years, to learn a process that allowed me to find options; to think thoughts that freed me from the threatening, overwhelming negativity.

So, even today, I try to find options out of the strong hold of my "trapped thoughts" allowing myself to feel free to be and do what works for me, without the worry of what others think. I must admit, it is still a work in progress.

But, isn't life a work in progress? Isn't life about the choices we make? The mindset we have?

Yes I think so and it's the same at this stage of living. How we view aging is a perspective; a perspective that will likely get challenged by physical and mental decline; but a perspective nonetheless.

So, as I have learned to get" unstuck" throughout my life, from seemingly  unstoppable anxious thoughts, I will use my well-earned accrued wisdom to do the same throughout these later years.

Thank you "pro age" for providing an alternative choice. Thank you, my peers, for amplifying its message.

Thank you today's woman 50 and beyond, for a movement that will change "the face" of women and aging for generations to come.

Thank you "proage" for being my superpower and giving me the choice and strength to live with abundance as the years unfold.

How about you? I'd love to hear your thoughts..



New and Exciting news:

The ProAge Influencer Alliance

My goal of The ProAge Influencer Alliance is to build a global network, ensuring you’re not alone on your road to success.

We must share, learn, and connect to eliminate the isolation and frustration that often accompanies our entrepreneurial journeys. I want this community to be an exclusive, safe space to talk about our concerns and find solutions to meet our business goals—taking our ventures from passion projects to thriving enterprises.

I strongly believe in the power of a collective, which is why The ProAge Influencer Alliance was born. There’s undeniable strength in numbers, and together, we become a formidable force. Join me in becoming a catalyst for fighting ageism by representing today’s real women 50 and beyond. Let’s make it clear that: "This is us,” and it’s time for society’s outdated perceptions to evolve.

I am incredibly excited about what we are beginning to create together. This is a “we” community, and I am dedicated to supporting our collective needs.

To read more information and apply click below:


or to participate.