Pirie Jones Grossman

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Pirie Jones Grossman

Pirie has been a true supporter of mine and I want to share her very interesting piece on our “inner voice”..what it is and how to hear the whispers..

When challenges arise, whether it’s a heated disagreement with a friend, family member, boss, or coworker, or a tough decision regarding a job, relationship, or health matter, I have a particular process that brings me clarity so I can hear my “inner voice.” You may also call it intuition. It's that still, unmistakable voice that provides the best answers to the questions in my life. Women, in particular, have this intuitive gift. Sometimes, we just know what’s right without being able to explain how or why. Have you ever experienced that?

While many suggest being primarily analytical when making critical decisions, it may not always be useful. There are times when we should give more priority to our “inner voice” rather than just our logic.

The best way, I say, is to use both your brain and heart.

First, analyze the situation and gather information to understand how the decision will affect your life. However, sometimes the more information you have, the more confused you become. That's when following your “inner voice” or “heart” can be helpful.

But how do you know you're listening to your “inner voice”? What does it sound like?

Many friends and clients ask me, “How can I hear and be sure that’s my ‘inner voice’ and not my ego?”

So, I decided to share my process, which has helped me learn about discernment as well.

What is the “Inner Voice”?

The “inner voice” is the heart of our authentic selves. This is the place where we access the intuition that helps us define and know the difference between all the “other” voices we hear inside our heads. One of those overbearing voices is usually our ego, which is concerned with control, comfort, security, over-responsibility, recognition, approval, and self-importance. It narrates our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

The authentic self or “inner voice” is a higher level of consciousness that resides beyond the mind and emotions. You recognize its presence by qualities such as acceptance, compassion, joy, peace, enthusiasm, forgiveness, gratitude, and unconditional love. When you experience these positive attributes, you’ll know you’re listening to your “inner voice.” This extraordinary level of consciousness already resides within you as a faculty of your authentic self.

How to Hear Your “Inner Voice”

1. Create a Sacred Space: Designate a spot in your home where you feel safe and won’t be disturbed. Light candles, place meaningful items nearby, and create an environment where positive energy resides.

2. Get Quiet: Turn off distractions like the television, radio, computer, or cell phone. Create silence to allow yourself to go deeper inside and hear your “inner voice.”

3. Pray or Meditate: Connect to a higher source of energy—God, Universe, nature, whatever resonates with you. Ask for strength, direction, and support. Set an intention to communicate with that source and yourself.

4. Ask for Help: When you need an answer or to make a decision, try to get into a neutral position and keep an open heart and mind. Add the phrase, “May this answer or action be in the highest good of all,” to ensure the best outcome for everyone involved.

5. Meditate and Breathe: Clear your mind and emotions to connect to your “inner voice.” Use breathing exercises like the Buddha Belly Breathing. Sit in a chair with your spine elongated, feet flat on the floor, hands in your lap. Breathe fully into your lower abdomen, expanding your breath evenly from the core of your stomach into all directions. Allow your body to relax, and anytime you lose focus, bring your attention back to your breath.

Your “inner voice” is a loving voice with no judgments or negativity. Its counsel is positive. Think of your “inner voice” as your soul’s voice—it always wants the best for you.

Pirie Jones Grossman is a Forbes Council certified transformational life coach and reinvention strategist. She is a Ted-X speaker, influencer and best-selling author.

Pirie’s mission is to share her message and personal story that it’s NEVER TOO LATE to heal and TRANSFORM your life into a powerful, and empowered one.

With a Masters in Spiritual Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, CA, Pirie spreads her message through speaking, writing and teaching workshops around the world. She’s shared the stage with leading influential teachers and speakers in the wellness industry such as Deepak Chopra, Arianna Huffington and Marianne Williamson

Instagram: @piriejonesgrossman


If you’re anything like me, you’ve been struggling to turn your passion project into a successful business.

I’m so excited to tell you that I’ve been hard at work cultivating The ProAge Influencer Alliance..to stand together, grow together and thrive together.

Click below for more information and the application to become a Founding Member of my new community, actualizing the true representation of today’s woman 50 and beyond while providing connection, information, inspiration, support and personal and professional growth.

I’ve partnered with a prominent Creator Coach who, through group zoom calls and dm accessibility, will help you through the step-by-step process.

Our first zoom call is Wednesday, August 21 at 5 p.m. EST

Hope to see you then.

Warm regards,




or to participate.