Hello everyone.

This week I want to give you a taste of what I’ll bring to the table. As I like to dive deeply into my thoughts, I am calling my pieces..

INTROSPECTION REFLECTION…and I hope you feel inspired after reading it.

The Mirror vs. The Soul.....

Herein lies the conflict that arises throughout our later years.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could see our soul as the reflection in the mirror; to see who we are authentically rather than superficially?

What would that look like for us?? To dig deep down to our essence, our truth and rely on this to know who we truly are, this to define our beauty.

The quest for our legacy lies within, in the soul, in our inner being, and I believe this is what we seek at this moment in our life. And as we dishearteningly watch our exterior wrinkle and crepe, we must work hard to bring our focus inward, to find our inspiration from the inside out. We need to create an ongoing practice toward self-acceptance, which is not an easy task when we view the image reflected in the mirror.

So, as the beauty without may be fading, let’s do a mindshift, and recognize and appreciate the beauty within.

As we forge forward, during these Pro-Age years, the layers peel back little by little to reveal “our real”, our self that’s waiting to emerge. Waiting for the quiet time, waiting for the stillness, to present itself. We can now hear the stirrings, those that we couldn’t hear earlier. Those that were muffled by everything around us, everything we were busy accomplishing. But now they’re rising and I believe rising from our soul, our spirit.

Let’s intently listen to the cues and pay attention to them. Use them to guide us toward fulfillment. This is our work if we so choose it; to finish what’s unfinished, whatever that means to each of us, whatever rings true for each of us. Let’s live with intention, with purpose, with curiosity, proactively striving toward  our best. It’s never too late.

And as our years continue to unfold, possibly just possibly, our hidden gifts will unfold. Let’s not focus on what was, what’s behind us. Instead let’s be present in the now and compose the future that we envision.

It’s all up to us!!

What are your thoughts? I’d love to hear..

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