Scroll to the end and apply to become a member of The ProAge Influencer Alliance

We must clear the clutter and step out of ‘the muck’ of all the messages ingrained in us regarding aging; all of the narratives we listen to in our heads. It is the beginning of the road to ‘aging wellness’.

Let’s dissect. When we speak about anti-aging, what are we really talking about? Isn’t it about turning back our physical clock? Do we ever reference anti-aging regarding our wisdom, our depth of knowledge, or our emotional intelligence? No, it is simply about our physical appearance. So we’re really not speaking about anti-aging in its entirety. We’re basically targeting anti-wrinkles, anti-sagging, anti-graying. It’s about a decline in our outer presentation, a decline in how we are visually viewed by others and unfortunately ourselves.

Our internal dialogue needs to be heard, examined, and rewritten.

We have to crack the shell, and so we’ve been told the ugly shell that wraps around all the brilliance that we have to offer from within. It’s time for the inner beauty to bloom and thrive and move us forward to our respective truth. That’s one of the benefits of being over 50. It is OUR time.

Has the “anti-aging movement,” originated by industries to create big business, created a generation’s self-fulfilling prophecy? Are we living down to what the stereotypes dictate? Why are we fixing what THEY say is wrong with us? Are we blinded by the suggestion of elderly and ugliness? What if there were no messages regarding aging? What if there were no judgments about deterioration?

This is the first step: acknowledging that we’ve been complicit in this deluge of anti-aging rhetoric, spreading it to ourselves and each other. It’s time to take our mental and emotional power back.



The ProAge Influencer Alliance

Do you need help in turning your online passion project into a thriving business?

Are you looking to network and connect with other fabulous women 50 plus?

From my seven years as a Pioneer in The ProAge space, I have the answers to help you accomplish both..and if I don't have the answer my curated team of experts will. 

I've learned that success comes from a few non-negotiable constructs: know-how, collaboration, finding the right people to support you along the way and most definitely hard work and resilience.

That’s why I created The Alliance—to provide you with a one-stop community experience that checks all of those boxes.


-A network directory fostering new connections

-Collaboration partnerships curated within the membership

-Joint social media campaigns, to amplify each other's message and reach, through collaborative projects

-Internal commission-based affiliate program, with a mutually agreed upon commission rate, in order to help promote each other's services and programs

-Alliance referral program

-A monthly group coaching call and Q&A with our 7-figure creator growth and monetization expert

-A weekly Alliance zoom led by Meri to share your progress, set goals, and hold each other accountable. 

-A private online mastermind discussion group

-A library of how-to videos and group coaching recordings

-Masterclasses to be hosted and promoted by the community and guests

Additional services offered, by request only, to support you in transforming your passion project into a successful business

  • 1:1 Strategy Coaching 

  • 1:1 Networking Strategy for Connecting with Others and Fostering Relationships 

  • Brand Deal Outreach & Negotiations

  • Content Video Editing

  • Graphic Design & Branding

Are you ready to join us in our mission-driven initiative?

This is an exclusive Alliance and only those dedicated to its core values need apply; community, connection, collaboration, kindness and authenticity. 

I am so excited to say that the membership list is growing every day. Do not miss the opportunity to become a Founding Member of The ProAge Influencer Alliance:


or to participate.